deutsche Version
Radon-Thermal Vapour Bath • Gerhard Röck
Public Therapy Department
Bad Gastein - Gastein Valley - Austria
Tel. +43 6434 6127 | Fax: +43 6432 722727

Gastein Healing Gallery in Böckstein

The therapy in the Gastein Healing Gallery is also a radon therapy. Comparing to the Radon Thermal Vapour Bath the base are therapy sessions in a 2.5 km-long tunnel with naturalle elevated radon levels and not the box bath in the Radon steam.

The unique healing climate into the mountain is absorbed through the lungs and skin, then rapidly distributed throughout the body. Its decay products are deposited on the skin and mild alpha radiation is released. This in turn stimulates the body’s own cell repair mechanisms and reduces the number of free radicals. Anti-inflammatory messenger substances are activated, promoting healing. The movement of inflammatory cells through the walls of vessels is reduced. These processes combat chronic inflammation as well as allergies.

The radon content of the two therapies (Healing Gallery and Vapour Bath) is nearly identical. People who suffer from claustrophobia who do not wish to go into the Gastein healing cave due to a fear of confined spaces can also now book an equivalent radon thermal therapy in the vapor bath. "Cave-light".


  • Chronic inflammatory rheumatic conditions, in particular ankylosing spondylitis or spondylarthropathies, as well as chronic polyarthritis (rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Degenerative diseases of the large and small joints (arthritis)
  • Degenerative diseases of the spinal column (spondylitis, spondylarthroses, osteochondroses)
  • Chronic discopathies, also post-operatively
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Non-articular rheumatism (non-inflammatory pain in the tendons and muscles)
  • Psoriatic arthropathy or psoriatic arthritis
  • Chronic arthritis urica
  • Chronic consequences of accidents and sports injuries
  • Neuralgias, neuritis, polyneuropathia
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Wounds that fail to heal, especially ulcus cruris
  • Neurodermatitis
  • Psoriasis (vulgaris)
  • Scleroderma
  • Slight peripheral circulatory disorders


Pregnancy, hyperthyreosis; in the case of patients with malignant tumours, there must be a pause of at least one year after successful chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy and/or immunotherapy before beginning with the Heilstollen treatment. Children and adolescents should basically be excluded from radon treatment. Here, the risk of medication treatment must be weighed against that of a weak radiation treatment on a case-to-case basis.

More information: Gastein Healing Gallery.